Monday, May 19, 2008

Dream of Possessing Love

What is your dream? To possess the world. I am sure all us are thinking the same. Its a bad dream and it should be broken. How is this dream to be broken? How shall we wake up from this dream that we are little men and women and all such things? I don't know. But I do share this sentiment. Your possession should only be love. Love should only be possessed by you. I declare out loud to whoever wants to believe, we should have no words in our mouth that is not in our heart. Dream of possessing love? You may win this one!

You Ought to Know

What makes us so hungry for material things? I guess we are all too caught up in ourselves, naturally ignoring our surroundings. We have decided to shop but not talk about the war. Do you know that millions of people are dying each year because of war. When was the last time you have heard that. Well I just wanted to share that new news with you. 'You Ought to Know"

What is your responsibility in this. I don't have a clear answer but I know for sure, that OUR RESPONSIBILITY IS NO LONGER TO ACQUIRE, BUT TO BE (Tagore). All the responsibility of good and evil is on you. This is the great hope.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Give Me Faith

Give with faith, and never without faith

Give with diginity, Give with humility, Give with joy

And give with understanding of the effects of your gift

(Taittiriya Upanishad)

Give Me Eternal Happiness.

Give me Peace

Give me the pleasure of Peace.

Give Me Hope

How would you feel if she was your daughter, your sister or even your mother.

War never win Peace and Peace is never part War.

The Algebra of War contains no peace.

Children and mother are the first to die.

When are you going to stop this madness?

My Baby..What have they done to you?

Iraq: A mother "last touch" to a dying son. A woman takes her dead son into her arms, as she grieves for her six-year-old son, Dhiya Thamer, who was killed when their family car came under fire by unknown gunmen in Baqouba, capital of Iraq's Diyala province, 60 kilometers (35 miles) northeast of Baghdad, Iraq, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2007. The boy's ten-year old brother, Qusay, was injured in the attack as the family returned from enrolling the children in school, where Dhiya was to begin his first year. Credit: Adem Hadei, Associated Press"Last Touch"Spot News 1st place.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rice - Sustainability running scarce!

The Power of Rice to feed the entire world. A cash crop that runs in most subtropical countries is now out of style. In India, buildings are now standing in Paddy Fields. In America, soy is grown instead and in Brazil, fields are now grazing pastures. Welcome to the new Calamity! Rice Shortage and Starvation. As long we have our TV and fake political candidates, who needs rice?

Beautiful - And its a Flower

Face - You Changed Your Face

How many faces have been in your bed? One, two, three, hundred and one. Somtime you have to make it memorable. Find a face that treats you like being. A face that is happy, forgiving, naive, lovable and fuckable. A face that will never change even with history, it will still be same even if its now full of lines. Here is a face for you. Before there were empires, there was this one. Look at her eyes and remember her. She is you! Now, go and wash your face, and remember to smile that face because it is your new face.

Me...Rocks & Waves and a Calmer World

This was taken years back and I liked the colors. It was one of those pics, where everything was just right for little while. The world was much calmer, less diseases and playfulness was just around every corner. Waves and rock could not get enough of each other. Each knowing that they will meet again in a few hours even if night falls. Such was the world.

Reel Em! And How Big is your Fish?

And you though you caught the biggest fish. I guess I had a real good cafe au lait last night and I am craving for more. Viva Brazil! Pic compliments: Miquel Valle

Mother Nature in Brazil

To be a Tucan is to be a proud bird. Now, how many of us could say that about ourselves.
Pic compliments:Dorthe Arve Olsen

Flowers of the Caribbean

I'll Take Brazil

Brazil Finest...wanna go with me to Brazil!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh my,,Wink Wink




A Sari Seller in Bombay!

The Womb Chair

If ever you get a chance to sit in one of this do it. Its called a Womb Chair. One of my fav chair which I dont have. Any donation will be accepted.

Admired, Eaten and Plucked

Nature at its best. Don't compete with Mother Nature. Let her do her work. She've been doing it for billions of years. Yes thats right! Billions of Year!

Religion - The Wrath of Children!

In every worldly religion, we are God’s children. We carry his name on our lips, we plastered his face on our flats, we read enchanting and glorifying stories about his wellbeing, and we have gone so far to tattooed his name on our ass.

We have created and planted religion in every corner of the world and we have demanded our children to serve. Not of God but of war!

We have pulled, rearranged, bombed, evaporated, hung, eaten, and burnt our children in the name of God. Our wrath is now our religion. In every worldly religion, we are Wrath’s children!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sweet Lips...Chocolate Kiss Me

When was the last time you enjoy some smoothe dark, sweet, warm, silky, milky chocolate milk.

Cock Anyone...

Nothing beats a good red cock in a yard!

Jaguar - My Gorgeous!

Pronounced - JAG-U-R!!
I dream of this car every night. Its too Gorgeous! See for yourself. Even the advert is worth looking at. Gorgeous deserve your immediate attention. Gorgeous makes effort look effortless...Gorgeous stays up late and still looks Gorgeous!

Hare Krsna Voguing at SAKS

Hare Krsnas are now voguing, singing, chanting, selling books, beads and cock rings at SAKS. Next week, Lube will be on sale. And starting September, just for school opening, poppers will be 50% off. Pic is compliments of the Saja Website.

Turban and Sexiness -Back In Vogue

Turbans are becoming sexier and sexier each season. Indians are not the only ones getting into the fun. The Brazilians and the Africans and the "wanna bes" are all in it for the pure pleasure of looking good. And here I was thinking that Turbans are worn only because of religion. Sexiness and religion now goes hand in hand, which leads me to think that the Hare Rama Hara Krsna sect will be back in Vogue. Get the drums, play on and lets chant to the Turban, "Hare Rama, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Morning Pleasure - Ray of Light and Water

If being in water could make you this beautiful, please drown me now! Let me live in water forever. Dont just sprikle me with your holy water, and tell me to look up into the Heavens. Push me into the pool. Now can you imagine what awaits you in an ocean. Who is thinking about sharks now?

Hard Candy - Too Much Cavities

I am very surprised that this CD is really rocking but its not Madonna. She used to be a trendsetter, now she is follower. At times I think I listening to Timberlake, then someone else, then Mariah, then Beyonce, then Rihanna and then Madonna again. There is nothing new here. Its like a doggy dessert bag. You know you could only eat half of the dessert now, so you asked in an absurd fashion for a fucking doggy bag. Unfortunately you did not know that it will taste nasty tomorrow and it will give you cavities! Did someone say Hard Candy! I need a good brushing and plenty of flossing after chewing and swallowing this tarty sugary snack that someone called Hard Candy. GulP Poof! I am guilty of enjoying this sweet long Hard Candy!

You could not get to a more exotic place than Thailand. The colorful hot mouth watering food, sultriness of the of the steaming weather, the pleasing faces of the people, and the rough, tumbling clear beaches. Sex here is more than sex here.

Thailand does not have a Red Light District instead the Red Light District surrounds Thailand. To say the people does not have talent is an understatement. Opening a soda bottle and spilling miles of red and blue and white ribbon from a body part. Now thats what I called Talent! Ping Pong anyone?

Elizabeth Crush - Too many cliches

Generally I dont like Hollywood movies. I am not going to waste my time watching cars hitting each other, and unsexy people trying to be sexy. Now thats classless. Before I go further I have to confess, I am not a Queen fan either, but because of Kate B. I saw this movie. The acting and directing were both beautiful. The script on the other hand needed another hand. Too many cliches. Below is the trailer. I bough this movie and the soundtrack.

How beautiful can you get!

Well thats not a question for this candidate. I was wondering what makes the appearance so beautiful. Some of us are given the bank when it comes to beauty and some of us are just shown the door. I must admit, I was given the latter.
Someone told me that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But I went further to discuss this with with Mr. Wilde. Here is his input
"Beauty is a form of genius -- is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon" - Oscar Wilde

Hong Kong Buddha

Serene and beautiful. Just sitting in mist on an island across the Hong Kong Harbour.

Flying Pigs - Phuket

On our way to the resort in Phuket,Thailand we bumped into a truckload of pigs. We have never seen something like this before. It was new to us. Transporting Pigs on an open truck! This is just part of someone's life that I wanted to capture. The simplicty, quietness and the carefree look of him sitting at the back of a truck, going 50 miles per hour on a narrow, winding steep road was not new to him. It was new to us! These are simple things that makes life so meaningful and which I dream of capturing.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Y Tu Mama Tambien - Jukebox Scene

I am in a Mexican Mood. Years ago I was in Mexico city working and I saw this movie. It changed everthing. According to Roger Ebert, It is true, as some critics have observed, that "Y Tu Mama" is one of those movies where "after that summer, nothing would ever be the same again." Yes, but it redefines "nothing. Watch it!

British Mood - DAMAGE

If ever you are in the mood to watch a good movie. Rent DAMAGE. It's a very interesting movie...about love and betrayal. With Love comes Risk, With Obsession comes Damage! There are things you cannot control! Are you ready for DAMAGE. One of my fav movie. Watch it.

Little Britain - Daffyd - Only Gay in the Village.

I smiled out loud so many times watching the clip from BBC. I even bough the series.If ever you're in the mood for some good laugh, watch this. I will try to post more as soon as I have the time. Anyway, tell me what you think. Its perverted and real!

Go Brown and Wear it

Yes we are brown. We are ABSOULTE about that. So buy brown.

Here the link

Ola la - Dolce

What do you think...Fiction/Fantasy. You be the judge.

Obsession - Bollywood Sirens...

Love Em or Hate Em! They all need attention. Welcome to Bollywood. Make it better...Welcome to Richomond Hill

Ash - Bollywood

Since she is married now...we could only admire. Now back to our plastic surgeon and the gym.

They said I would never be a doctor

Read it and be Inspired!!
This year Dr Satinder Sanghera celebrates 15-years as a GP - a career everyone told her she should forget. As a second-year medical student Dr Sanghera had a massive stroke and lost her speech and the use of one side of her body.
Experts said Dr Sanghera was so badly disabled and her recovery so slow that she would never be fit enough to go into medicine. She was so 'ashamed' by her stroke that Dr Sanghera only feels able to talk about her experiences now, two decades later. Now she is a Doctor. Read it on BBC.

Bollywood - SriDevi

Bollywood does not grab my attention, however, after running through YouTube, I bumped into this song. Have no idea what they are singing about, but it sounds beautiful. I told myself that it’s a song about love. Then again I could be wrong because I know nothing about love. Cheers to Bollywood!

747 - Short Runway

It amazes me how can something so big, move so fast and fly so high. On short runway, its magnificent. If you like planes, this is it. Buckle up! Its gonna be a rough ride!

Berbice Bridge - Guyana

I just found this on YouTube. Wow and its Bob Marley Music. Someone was creative enough to share this.

The Rape of Burma!

This is rather old news. Burma was raped before, driven into despair and now a cyclone. What else? Well the Army is still raping and bleeding her and the world is still watching. Like a rape victim, she is still drifting, watching aimlessly at the world watching her. Maybe the world should free her. Put her out of her misery and send hope to its people. Burma deserve better! She is still holding her hand out to us. Happy Mother's day Burma! Still not free nor safe to be herself. Credit: Picture is from the BBC.

Ash - Pink Panther,

Well are we green with envy yet? Here is the Ash. Yes we are all ugly!! Nahh,I dont think she is that pretty then again, I think Rekha is beautiful. I guess we all have different taste. I will give her a 7 but then that makes me -10.

Mothers Day and Chocolate - Le Maison

What do you give your mother. Chocolate. Le Maison. well I gave my mom just that,

Bollywood Comes to CB2

Who will ever thought that Bollywood would come to CB2. It's now official! Bollywood pillows are here to stay. I was so suprised by it, I bought 2 for my flat. They are resting peacefully on my Barcelona chair. I must say they look "dramaful"...and does get everyones attention. Rekha could not have looked more beautiful, bitchy, arrogant, know it all, fuck all of you I am it look, and I could dance bitches. Ash move over. Rekha takes NYC and hey you could even take her to bed. Something to think about!! Gay men hands off! There is only one Rekha and you are not it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hassa and More Hassa - Tropical CatFish

I am not a big fan of Hassa, however when its cooked by the right people its a beautiful meal. Its a delicious fish!! Most Guyanese do eat Hassa, however they will say no. But then again, they will not know that you could find love in a simple Hassa. When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.

Garden without Flowers are Dead. To live without Love is Cold!

Sometime, I go mad when it comes to flowers. Not just your average type...but real exotic type. These are such lovely beautiful things...Brings chills to the heart!

“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.” --Oscar Wilde

Summer Flowers - So Sexy and Pleasing to the Eyes,

I was thinking what I should shoot one day. Then I saw this bud looking up at me. Its from Phuket.

And More Stones - What about Real Flesh and Warmth!

I thought this is a wonderful picture. I guess the perfect man is made out of Stone. he is. Seems abit injured. From the compliments of the British Museum.

Gay Friends - A Toast on Stone

For all my gay friends. Dont I have a heart! Am I suppose to be made out of Stone. Cold and Cold and Cold.

Hermes of Paris - Splendeur Des Maharajas

I am not big into fashion, but I do have a sense of good fashion sense. Hermes of Paris is one of my favorite Fashion House. Forget what happened to Oprah. Well I do have an “H” belt and I do have a few men scarves. But the one thing that I cherish the most is a lady scarf which I framed. It’s hanging in my apt. The name of the scarf is “Splendeur Des Maharajas”. This was given to me by my cousin for my Bday.